Jessica has presented workshops and certifications on an international stage. You can find her Keynote speeches, recorded workshops & presentations and more below.

She has had the privilege of writing various blogs and articles and participating in webinars and podcasts, which you will find here.

She is also:

Please reach out to Jessica at



5 CONNECTION POINTS THAT ARE NOT SOCIAL MEDIA – What would your marketing strategy be if Facebook did not exist? Leave this workshop understanding 5 connection points you should implement into your marketing strategy immediately. Explore the power of media, dive into how to create partnerships, and practice speaking to potential customers with direct communications. Never fear a social media outage again. 

25 WAYS TO REPURPOSE YOUR CONTENT – Are you struggling to create new social media posts, blogs, training plans, offerings, or programs? Jessica will show you how to repurpose your already created content to craft new and exciting enticements for your business and marketing strategy in this interactive and personalized session. Learn what tools and technology you will need for quick transitions and a simple method to help you store & reuse all future content.

BUSINESS BREAKS & MISTAKES TO AVOID – Speed bumps, hiccups, or closed doors – whatever you call them, business brakes and mistakes will happen. Learn what to avoid so you can continue to innovate within your business. Walk away with a guide that will help you propel your career growth while navigating through the mistakes that will hold you back.

CREATING & CULTIVATING COMMUNITY – People are craving community now more than ever, which means creating a community surrounding your business is critical to your success. Learn your next 5 steps to easily creating & cultivating a community through digital, virtual, & live options and how to generate your online awareness campaigns to bring more people into your community.

IT’S MORE THAN TALKING – Can you communicate with clarity and precision? Your business may depend on your answer. In this session, we will be discussing business communication tools and strategies to better communicate with your team, current customers, and target market. Leave this session with a more effective communication and interaction approach, plus a list of the systems you need to start implementing right away.

KNOW HER BUSINESS – Female clients can be the driving force of your business, if you know how to train, coach, and market to her. In this interactive workshop, we will teach you the three steps needed for each of these categories. Walk away with easy-to-implement actions personalized to attract more female clients to your business.

MOVEMENTS FOR MOMS – Let’s dive into common form issues we see within one of our largest populations of clients: mothers. Not only will we discuss these issues, but we will dive into the movement patterns you should be introducing to help moms become better movers in life. Learn easy cues, workout structures, and more in this interactive workshop.

PRENATAL TRUTHS & MYTHS – There is a lot of misinformation floating around about what our pregnant clients can and cannot do. In this workshop, dive into the latest recommendations and research surrounding prenatal moms. We will discuss and move through cardio, strength, core, and restorative movements during this interactive session.

RE-IGNITE YOUR CREATIVITY- Stuck in a rut? Don’t worry because you are not alone. Join Jessica as she guides you through 3 easy ways to spark your creativity. Whether you are a group fitness instructor, entrepreneur, or personal trainer, this interactive workshop will give you tangible tips, tricks and truths to get your creative juices flowing.

TECH HER OUT – From social posts to emails, women interact differently with marketing and awareness media. Learn the 5 messages to stop delivering in 2022 and the 5 updated ways to use marketing materials to reach a wider audience of female clients.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BALANCE – Maybe you have heard of a perfect work & life balance. This workshop will prove that there is no such equation while investigating why the term balance sets unrealistic expectations. We will dive into tips, tricks, and truths to help you better understand the demands needed to find happiness and success in all seasons of life. Walk away with a better perspective on achieving your personal and professional goals through delegation and automation. 

UPGRADE YOUR SIDE HUSTLE – Ready to make your side job your main career? This workshop will provide you with a personalized roadmap designed to upgrade your side hustle into a sustainable career. Learn how to navigate, negotiate, and communicate your next steps to build the career of your dreams.